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TOEFL-iBT Stands for Test of English as a foreign Language. TOEFL-iBT is a standardized test that evaluates English proficiency of people whose native language is not English. The TOEFL-iBT is administered worldwide by Educational Testing Service (ETS).

Examination Body:
TOEFL-iBT test is conducted by the Educational Testing Service (ETS).
Website :

Why TOEFL-iBT Test?
TOEFL-iBT test is a prerequisite for admission into colleges and universities where English is a lingua franca i.e. native or official language TOEFL-iBT score also evaluates the English proficiency of people for whom English is not native language. Undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs around the world require students to demonstrate their ability to communicate in English as an entrance requirement.

Who Should Take the TOEFL-iBT Test?
Non-native English speakers at the 11th grade level or above should take the TOEFL-iBT test to provide evidence of their English proficiency before beginning academic work. However, the test content is considered too difficult for students below 11th grade.

Formats of the TOEFL (internet based test iBT)
TOEFL internet-based test (iBT), ever since its introduction in the late 2005 has progressively replaced both the (CBT) Computer Based and (PBT) Paper Based Tests. The four hour test consists of four sections, each measuring mainly one of the basic language skills (although some tasks may require integration of these skills) and focusing on language in strictly academic environment. The TOEFL-iBT internet-based test emphasizes integrated skills and measures all four language skills, including speaking. The test assesses proficiency of the candidates in all communication skills. TOEFL-iBT emphasizes and measures English usage and communication ability in academic settings.

The Test has Four Sections:

Reading : Measures the ability to understand academic reading matter.

  • 3 passages per passage 12 to 14 questions.
  • Total time 60 minutes.
  • Experimental questions -- 1 more passages (May come)
  • Extra time 20 minutes.

Listening : Measures the ability to understand English as it is used in colleges and universities.
  • 6 sets of listening -- per set 5 to 6 questions
  • 2 conversations & 4 lectures
  • Total time 60 minutes.
  • Experimental Questions -- 3 sets (May come )
  • Extra time 30 minutes.

Speaking : Measures the ability to speak in English.
Total two sections:
1. Independent Speaking : 2 questions.
  • 15 seconds preparation time.
  • 45 seconds response time.

2. Integrated Speaking : 4 questions
  • 2 questions RLS (Read, Listen, Speak)
  • 2 questions LS (Listen, Speak)
  • 20/30 seconds preparation time
  • 60 seconds response time

Writing : Measures the ability to write in a way that appropriate for college and university course work. Total two sections: 1. Integrated Writing: 1 question -- 20 minutes.
  • 150 to 225 words
  • Read, Listen & Write (RLW)
2. Independent Writing: 1 question -- 30 minutes.
  • Minimum 300 words

TOEFL-iBT score is valid for 2 years.
TOEFL-iBT score is out of 120.
Examination Fees for TOEFL-iBT is US $165.